Dealing With the loss of a loved one during Covid – How Mindfulness can help
Loss of life is the most painful thing that can happen to anyone. In present times due to Covid we are facing major health concerns and are losing our loved ones in this battle. No matter how strong we portray ourselves we fail to deal with our grief adequately and end up being in more pain and stress. If we want to fight strongly and stand tall towards this Covid battle we need to learn to deal with our pain in the right way.
Mindfulness is not about being practical, letting go of a situation or avoiding the pain due to loss of a loved one. Mindfulness is more about accepting the present situation and be more perceptive about it. Its natural to feel pain but its also necessary to channelize the sadness and sorrow inside in order to maintain a healthy present and future for yourself. It is necessary to accept all the other emotions that comes along with a long-term grief for healthy mindset.
Guilt Free Conscience
Many a times we find ourselves surrounded by a guilt that comes from our own conscious. A funny event, a joke or person making you smile not long after you have lost a loved one. Soon after the smile appears the mind starts a battle of making you feel guilty about it. Mindfulness is about relieving yourself with all such negative feelings. Being free to all sorts of emotions. Long term grief can not only harm your body and mind but can also create a negative environment for others. Its okay to be upset, to have tears remembering the moments with lost loved one but to avoid all other feeling and emotion to stay in grief is neither healthy nor a mindful practice.
Practice Mindfulness
Accepting the reality and helping your self feel all the emotions is a true state Mindfulness. It is not about forgetting lost one or stop grieving. Mindfulness is more about accepting present situation with the loss and creating a healthy mindset and environment for yourself. Looking onto the plants in your garden, watering them, understanding the natural essence and effects a plant makes on you inside out can be life changing. Simply close your eyes and focus on your breathing allow yourself to let go of all the thoughts and emotions for a while. Nothing happens over night Mindfulness is a practice that if made part of everyday life can lead you to a stronger, cleaner and healthier body, mind and soul.
Life goes on so must you. We can never forget our loved ones but to remember them with happy thoughts and practicing mindfulness to overcome grief is healthier way of living. Specially in present times where Covid is turning our lives upside down let’s move our focus to our inside and make ourselves more efficient to win this battle.
Author: Latika Sakhuja & Sitender Sehrawat