The Aid Of Mindfulness For People With ADHD

Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a mental disorder that is often diagnosed in the span of ages 3 years to 17 years.  It is an illness which can be managed as well as cured with the right kind of assistance and facilitation. 

 ADHD is often categorised as a neurodevelopmental disorder where a person can have a short attention span, difficulty staying focused on a task or a thought and show impulsive behaviour patterns, they can come out as someone who does not put much thought into their actions. 

Some of the symptoms of ADHD can be excessive daydreaming, forgetfulness, lack of self-control and difficulty getting along with others and some children with ADHD may often be termed as ‘troublesome’. Although many of these behaviours are quite common in people, a psychological diagnosis is required for someone to be diagnosed with ADHD.

While medications and psychological therapies are an effective way to manage this disorder, what enhances the ability to battle the emotional turmoil caused by this disorder is the practice of Mindfulness. 

First of all, it takes great effort to destigmatize and make an individual Aware that what they suffer from does not make them vulnerable or at a lower foot than others but it is just a roadblock that they are capable to overcome. When people are not defined by their disorder, we welcome a more welcoming approach toward their healing. 

A very valuable treatment for ADHD is inculcating multiple activities in their lifestyle that keep them engaged, Mindfulness is one such activity. With Mindfulness, attention span can be increased when the focus is brought to one’s thoughts.

Like building new strength in a fragile body, it takes a lot of the right kind of nutrition and exercises for the weak body which will find difficult at the initial stage but will eventually gain muscle, immunity and strength. Therefore, in the same way, a person who lacks focus may take some time to prolong their attention on their mind but constant practices of deep breathing and other guided Mindful practices will help your mind to be in a better place than it had been in your suffering. 

Being in the present helps the mind to be calm and enhances focus. With deep breathing practices and meditation, Meditation helps in thickening the prefrontal cortex in the brain that is responsible for attention receptivity, and impulse control among other cognitive functions. A person who suffers from ADHD will have lower levels of dopamine but with Mindful meditation, the levels of dopamine also show a considerable increase. 

Living with a neurodevelopmental disorder can put grave pressure on a person, to be at the best of their abilities even more than others, what helps is being Aware of your capabilities, of working towards doing what helps you feel better each day. 

When Mindful support is provided to individuals with ADHD, we promise them a life that can be free from other disorders such as depression and anxiety that often tends to shadow people with ADHD. 

It is about providing a Mindful, non-judgmental space to anyone who needs support for their Emotional Well-being and is their strength in times of vulnerability.
