Mr. Ashok Munne: The Ambassador In Our Joyful Journey
If grit and perseverance could be personified in a person, Mr. Ashok Munne would be the ideal candidate for it. Words fall short when one attempts to describe the various skill sets of Mr. Munne – a para-athlete, mountaineer, an expert paraglider, a scuba diver, a marathon runner, a black belt in martial arts, a […]
Dr. Kusum Kanwar- Managing Director Kangaroo Kids School, Mumbai
We spoke with Dr. Kusum Kanwar, the Managing Director and Owner of Kangaroo Kids, Kandivali, one of Mumbai’s largest and most prestigious preschools. We discussed about her experiences in the realm of mindfulness and the importance of a child’s emotional well-being. We discussed about how toxic stressors may affect a child’s brain development throughout their […]
Mr. J. S Mann- Chairperson The Mann School
If you could summarise someone’s personality in two words, you’d need to write a fat novel for Mr. Mann. His warm reception, his fascinating style of storytelling & making you travel with his imagination is just overwhelmingly difficult to explain. The beauty of The Mann School loudly invites you to sit and stare at little […]
Dr. Shivani Sahni- Principal HRM Global School
During our journey around India, we spoke with educational leaders from various cities to understand their perspectives on children’s emotional well-being, character development, and purpose in today’s fast-paced world. Ms. Shivani Sahni, the principal of HRM World School Delhi, was one of the speakers we spoke with. We discussed her vision of the ideal […]
Mr. Siddharth Singh- Director The Emeralds Heights International School
On our journey across India, we spoke with leaders in education from different cities to understand about their perspectives on children’s emotional well-being, character development, and meaning in today’s fast-paced world. After speaking with Mr. Siddharth Singh, the director of Emerald Heights International School Indore, our faith has grown stronger that there are still great […]
Mr. Ajay Sharma- Principal DPS Indore
On a nationwide campaign where our team is traveling and connecting with eminent leaders who are making a difference in the field of education, we met with the Principal of DPS Indore, Mr. Ajay K Sharma. It. was indeed a profound conversation. During our discussion, Mr. Sharma told us about the various kinds of approaches […]
Mrs. Niti Dhami- Principal The Shri Ram Universal School, Hisar
On our global campaign to create a world that cares, we are connecting with eminent leaders who care about the child’s emotional wellbeing, building compassion and character. On our journey, we met Ms.Niti Dhami, the principal of The Shri Ram Universal School, Hisar. We had an insightful discussion with her where she spoke about the […]
Dr. Sunanda K C- Principal Nehru International School, Coimbatore
We’re on a mission to nurture children’s emotional well-being, to inculcate compassion in their character, and build wisdom over knowledge with compassionate teachers, because what they learn in school today will shape their lives and communities tomorrow. To address the shortcomings of the educational system, we decided to travel the country and meet eminent leaders […]
Ms. Pooja Anjanikar- Principal Orchids International School
Our vision is to seed compassion, wellbeing & wisdom in every child’s character & help them lead a meaningful & happy life. The Mindful Souls team spoke to Mrs. Pooja Anjanikar, who is the principal of Orchids International School, as part of our nationwide campaign in which our team is traveling and connecting with eminent […]
Mr. Ashish Kakwani- Chairman Billabong High International School
The more we travel, the more we learn about educational leaders’ viewpoints on a child’s emotional well-being and the need for character education. Mr.Ashish Kakwani, the chairman of Billabong High International School, was one of the leaders we spoke with. He discussed how difficult it had been for them to work as the education industry […]